Cedars' Got Talent Sponsors

Oaklei Turnbaugh
Oaklei Turnbaugh is an 11-year-old girl that was diagnosed with a brain tumor on December 6, 2021. She underwent surgery to have the tumor removed in January. The surgery was a success, and they were able to remove the entire tumor. Unfortunately, she lost the right half of her vision in both eyes. This has been a very difficult loss for Oakei. She is working very hard in physical therapy each week to regain her strength and balance. She is also working with an occupational and vision therapist to learn how to navigate life now with this vision loss. There is a chance Oaklei will regain all or 25% of the vision that she has lost. By 3 months, the vision loss that she still has will be pretty close to what she will have permanently. If her vision loss remains at 50%, she will most likely need a guide dog to help her navigate through unfamiliar and busy areas. There is a small chance that the tumor can return so Oaklei must continue to have repeat MRIs every few months for the first year and then yearly after that. These MRIs are very stressful for Oaklei and she is unable to hold still for them. Because of this, Oaklei must travel up North to Primary Children’s Hospital and be sedated each time. She also must continue to have visits with her neurosurgeon and a few other specialists up North. Her mother is no longer able to work because Oaklei has so many appointments each week and she is only allowed to attend school for half of the day.
Oaklei is so very kind. She is always thinking of others and loves to help everyone. She has been so brave through all of this and is fighting so hard to go back to things she loves. She enjoys going to school, hanging out with her friends, making crafts and dancing. She is missing her dance team so much and hopes to be able to return before the season ends. The funds raised will be used for her medical care, travel to Primary Children’s Hospital and possibly a service animal.
Gloria Truman
Gloria Truman is 33 years old and lives in Cedar City, Utah. She is a loving wife to Jeremy Truman and mother to three beautiful children Kason 15, Avery 6 and Brakel 4. Gloria was initially diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer in February of 2021 after finding a lump in her left breast. At the time, the treatment regimen was a possible mastectomy with a few months of chemotherapy and radiation. Gloria Underwent another series of scans and biopsies in March of 2021 and was given heart shattering news that no young mother should ever receive. The cancer had metastasized and spread throughout her whole body. The cancer diagnosis was upgraded in severity to Stage 4 Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma. Currently there is no prognosis, she is on a maintenance plan of daily oral chemotherapy, monthly Chemotherapy IV treatments, chemotherapy injections, a heart echocardiogram every three months along with a PET scan every six months. Gloria has graciously accepted this new way of life but refuses to quit. She is such an inspiring example as she continually pushes forward treating every new day as a blessing. She continues to make memories with her loved ones and somehow manages to take care of everyone around her while still working her full-time job to provide for her family financially.
“Our Heavenly Father and savior, Jesus Christ, continues to bless me and I’m very humbled every day for another day with my children and husband as my body continues to respond to treatment. Thank you to all who pray and fast for my well-being❣️ I appreciate all who help us with our children as we take this journey and to those that have brought us meals to lighten our load. We are very grateful for the love, kindness, and blessings we have received this past year from our wonderful community. I love and appreciate you all with my whole heart.” -Gloria Truman
Booth Vendor Map

Melling Granite (Booth #74) PLATINUM SPONSOR
Corri & Mark Melling
260 N Westview Dr., Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-867-0099
Email: corri@mellinggranite.com
Facebook: Melling Granite
Academy Mortgage (Booth #73) PLATINUM SPONSOR
Kyle Torgerson
603 South Main, Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-229-4316
Email: kyle.torgerson@academymortgage.com
WebPage: Academy Mortgage
Social Media: Kyle Torgerson
Choice Builders (Booth #27) GOLD SPONSOR
Roger Thomas
1115 S Main Street Ste., 100
Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-773-8898
Email: roger@choicebuildersgroup.com
Web Page: Choice Builders
Social Media: Choice Builders
Jones Paint and Glass (Booth #70) GOLD SPONSOR
Paul Kerr – Manager: pkerr@jonespg.com
Chad Barnes – Windows & Door Manager: cbarnes@jonespg.com
Rod Kennedy – Paint Manager: rkennedy@jonespg.com
38 E 1600 N, Cedar City, Utah 84721
Phone: 435-586-3800
Website: Jones paint & Glass
Social Media: Jones paint & Glass
Mountain Lighting & Design (Booth #17) GOLD SPONSOR
Randy and Jill Wilson, Owners
50 West 400 South, Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-586-5502
Email: sales@mountainlighting.com
Website: Mountain Lighting
Social Media: Mountain Lighting
Rocky Ridge Landscape Rock & Roll-offs (Booth #61) GOLD SPONSOR
Blake DeMille, Owner
500 North 600 West #1
Cedar City, Utah 84721
Phone: 435-867-1368
Web Page: Rocky Ridge Rock
Social Media: Rocky Ridge Rock
Real Property Management
Southern Utah Seal Coating (Booth #8)
Matt Phillips
209 S Main Street
Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-586-8305/435-586-1777- Real Property Management
Phone: 435-586-8305 - Southern Utah Seal coating
Email: cedarcityrentals@msn.com
Websites: Real Property Management, & Southern Utah Seal Coating
Cedar Equipment Rental (Booth #62) GOLD SPONSOR
Harold Barlow
PO Box 853
Cedar City, UT 84721
Phone: 435-773-2183
Email: haroldb@cedarequipment.com
Website: Cedar Equipment Rental
Social Media: Cedar Equipment Rental
Cherry Creek Media – MEDIA SPONSOR
Brian Komarek, Manager
Chris Holmes, Booth Host
Phone: 435-590-3056
427 S. Main Street, #201, Cedar City, Utah 84720
Website: Cherry Creek Media
2 Sisters Creations/Handmade Crafts/JillyBean Art (Booth #9)
Teresa Cheval - rt@chevalnv.com
Phone: 702-592-1424
Claudia Kaustinen - rjkaustinen@verizon.net
Phone: 951-663-7980
Jill Kaustinen – jillybeanart@gmail.com
Phone: 916-730-5338
8416 Del Rey Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Phone: 702-592-1424
5 Buck PIZZA (Food Vendor):
Rob Potter
1390 S. Providence Center Dr. #5 (South Store)
1830 N. Main St. #1 (North Store)
Cedar City, UT
Website: 5 Buck Pizza
Accident & Injury Chiropractic Clinic (Booth #71)
Justin Biggs, DC, CCSP
943 S. Main St., Cedar City, UT 84720
Phone: 435-867-8883
Email: docjebiggswk@gmail.com
Alison's Pantry (Booth #47)
Amy Harding
4361 N 2400 W
Cedar City, UT 84721
Phone: 435-590-1749
Email: amyhardingap@gmail.com
Absolutely Nuts (Food Court)
Peggy Spencer
Phone: 435-616-4851
Email: marions@scinternet.net
AshBusters/Embroider Cedar City (Booth #6)
Chipper Mangum - AshBusters
Phone: 435-704-4960
Terie Simcox - Embroider Cedar City
Phone: 435-704-1452
4573 N 1170 E, Enoch UT
B Hive Enterprises (Booth #20)
Mathew Barlow
Phone: 435-704-6500
Email: mattb@bhiveenterprises.com
Big Toms Pest Control (Booth #38)
Owner: Tom Crockett
P.O. Box 212
Cedar City, Utah 84721
Phone: 435-586-7337
Email: bigtomspest@gmail.com
Website: Big Tom's Pest Control
Big Trees Nursery ( Booth #10)
Kassie Pebworth
240 North 100 East, Kanarraville, Utah84742
Phone: (435) 867-0341
Email: bigtreesnursery@live.com
Website: Big Trees Nursery
Budget Blinds (Booth #44)
Cameron Gentry
367 E Sunland Dr. Ste. 9, St. George UT 84790
Phone: 435-258-7445
Email: cgentry@budgetblinds.com
Website: https://budgetblinds.com/stgeorge/
Cart-a-Crete Concrete to Go (Booth #7)
Daxon Holmes
942 North Airport Road, Cedar City, Utah84721
Phone: 435-867-8165
Email: cartacrete@gmail.com
Website: Cart-a-Crete
Cedar City Motor Company (Booth #46)
Cedar City Motor Company
Mike Haigler
1010 N. Main St, Cedar City, UT 84721
Phone: 435-586-9435
Email: Mike@cedarcitymotorcompany.com
Website: Cedar City Motor Company
Cedar Equipment Rental (Booth #62)
Harold Barlow
610 E 5600 N Enoch UT 84721
Phone: 866-237-2375
Email: office@cedarequipmentrental.com
Website: cedarequipment.com
Social Media: Cedar Equipment Rental
Cedar Valley Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. (Booth #52)
Dayne Eason
1400 North Main Street, Unit A
P.O. Box 1165
Cedar City, Utah 84721
Phone: 435-586-8788
Email: cedarvalleyheatingandair@gmail.com
Central Iron County Water Conservancy District (Booth #4)
Paul Monroe
88 E Fiddlers Canyon Rd. Ste 220, Cedar City UT 84721
Phone: 435-865-9901
Email: p.monroe@cicwcd.org
Website: cicwcd.org
Social Media: Facebook CICWCD
Color Street Nails (Booth #41)
Sharon Thornock
546 East Wagon Trail Drive
Cedar City, UT 84721
Phone: 801-597-2059
Email: sharonthornock@msn.com
Website: colorstreet.com/sharonthornock
D& P Performance (Booth #34)
Laci Werner
110 E. Center Street
Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-586-5172
Email: Laci@dandpperformance.net
DeMille Turf Farm, Red Cedar Rock and Landscape Supply (Booth #16)
Diane and Dean DeMille, Owners
Phone: 435-586-9797
Red Cedar Rock and Landscape Supply
1425 North Main St, Cedar City, Utah 84721
Phone: 435-586-0490
Email: deanod60@hotmail.com
Designers Edge Curbing (Booth #55)
Drayton Martin
Phone: 4358-338-3168
Email: designersedgecurbing@gmail.com
Website: www.designersedgecurbing.com
Social Media: Designers Edge Curbing
Dottera (Booth #48)
Mauri Bleazzard
Phone: 435-531-1562
Eagle Ridge Floors-To-Go (Booth #29)
Ray Conger, Owner
Sales Rep: Rebecca Brown
2086 North Main, Cedar City, Utah 84721
Phone - 435-867-5807
Email: ray@eagleridgefloors.com;
Website: Cedar City Floors To Go
EZ Life Outdoor Kitchens (Booth #32)
Dustin Williams
236 S Casa Loma Lane
Cedar City, UT 84720
Phone: 435-531-9851
Email: ezlifeoutdoorkitchens@gmail.com
Farm Bureau Financial Services (Booth #28)
Andrew Losse
535 S Main St#8, Cedar City, UT 84720
Phone: 435-5869288
Email: andrew.losee@fbfs.com
Website: Farm Bureau Financial - Andrew Losee
Social Media: The Brown Insurance Guy
Fastenpro (Booth #68)
Bill Bevacco
5628 N 2300 W Cedar City, UT 84721
Phone: 909-578-4200
Email: fastenpro@hotmail.com
Website: www.buywoodscrews.com
Heavens Best Carpet Cleaning (Booth #59)
Justin Young
Phone: 435-590-8853
Email: heavensbestcedar@gmail.com
Website: www.heavensbestcedar.com
Social Media: facebook.com/HBCedarCity/
IFA Country Stores (Booth #58)
Sam Mortensen, Manager
905 South Main Street, Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-592-5257
Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-8pm
Website: IFA Country Store
Imperial Window & Door (Booth #55)
Jennifer Padilla
380 S Main St., Cedar City UT 84720
Phone: 702-403-0903
Email: jenn@imperialwindow.com
Website: https://imperialwindow.com/
Infowest (Booth #63)
Website: Infowest
Innovative (Booths #12 & #13)
Robert Serdoz
472 N 2150 W Unit #3 Cedar City, UT 84721
Phone: 702-568-9006
Email: info@innovativenow.com
Website: Innovative
Intercap Lending (Booth #21)
Dewey Warner
1760 N Main St. Suite 210
Cedar City, Utah 84721
Website: Intercap Lending
Iron County Care and Share (Booth #77)
Peggy Green
PO Box 2241, Cedar City UT 84721
Phone: 435-586-4962
Email: Peggyg@careandshare-ut.org
Website: www.careandshare-ut.org
Social Media: https://www.
Iron County Children's Justice Center (Booth #78)
Stephanie Ward
PO Box 2623, Cedar City UT 84721
Phone: 435-867-4275
Website: ironcjc.org
Social Media: Childrens Justice Center
Irongate Custom Homes (Booth #60)
Nate Thayer
Phone: 435-704-1474
Email: irongatebuilders@gmail.com
Webpage: Irongate Custom Homes
Iron Mountain Plumbing (Booth #11)
Daniel Tanner
2354 W 850 N Cedar City, UT 84721
Phone: 435-557-3552
Email: office@ironmountainplumbing.com
Website: Iron Mountain Plumbing
JJ's Window Cleaning & Blinds (Booth #51)
Owner Jason & Amanda Barlow
P.O. Box 331, Cedar City, Utah 84721
Phone: 435-865-5850
Email: Amanda.brlw@gmail.com
Website: JJ's Window Cleaning and Blinds
Legacy Flooring Center (Booth #42)
Brady Hall
965 S Main
Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-590-0646
Email: bradyhall@legacyflooringcenter.com
Website: Legacy Flooring Center
Social Media: Legacy Flooring Center
Mountain America Credit Union (Booth #67)
Gregg Richey
410 N Main, Cedar City UT 84721
Phone: 435-586-0143
Email: grichey@macu.com
Website: www.macu.com
Mutual of Omaha (Booth #18)
Deborah Cerne
169 W 2710 S Circle, STE 202 B
St George, UT, 84720
Phone: 435-210-9720 ext829720
Email: dcerne@mutualmortgage.com
Website: mutualreverse.com
NetGain Property Management (Booth #36)
Derek Morton
96 N Main Cedar City UT 84720
Phone: 435-704-1169
Email: derk@netgainpm.com
Website: netgainpm.com
Opportunity For Life (Booth #43)
Jason Nunley
765 N Bluff St #S St. George, UT 84770
Phone: 385-274-8004
Email: jason@oflnetwork.com
Website: Opportunity For Life
Outside the Box (Booth#56)
Don Busteed
Phone: 657-445-0125
Email: cuttingboardartisan@hotmail.com
Perfectly Polished (Booth #41)
Sharon Thornock
546 East Wagon Trail Drive
Cedar City, UT 84721
Phone: 801-597-2059
Email: sharonthornock@msn.com
Website: colorstreet.com/sharonthornock
Pioneer Floor Coverings and Design Center (Booth # 45)
Rob Wankier, Owner
Glenn Graff, Sales Mgr.
1166 S. Sage Dr. Ste. B, Cedar City, UT 84720
(435) 586-3232
Website: Pioneer Flooring
Proforma Business Solutions (Booth #69)
Paula Bell and Rob Christie
P.O. Box 634
New Harmony, Utah 84757
Phone: 801-867-1867 or 435-705-1605
Email: proforma@infowest.com
Website: Proforma
Pro Lifting Solutions (Booth #23)
Luke Nehring
Phone: 605-716-0300
Email: admin@rapidfoundationrepair.com
Red Rock Aqua Systems DBA Hyla Southwest (Booth #39)
Tim VanVranken
2716 S 3640 W
Hurricane, Utah 84737
Phone: 435-319-6102
Email: hylasw@hotmail.com
Website: www.hyla-southwest.com
Red Rock Spas (Booth #57)
Shayann Mackey
1420 S Providence Center Drive
Cedar City, UT 84720
Phone: 435-635-6853
Email: shayann.redrockspas@gmail.com
Hurricane Location: 690 W State St., Hurricane Utah
St. George Location: 1330 w Sunset BLVD Suite K St. George Utah
Website: www.redrockspas.com
Rushton Team – Stratum Real Estate (Booth #53)
Jim Rushton
365 S Main, Cedar City, UT 84720
Phone: 435-590-5550
Email: rushtonrealtor@gmail.com
Website: Stratum Real Estate
Sandalwood Homes (Booth #54)
Cecilie Evans
Phone: 435-590-8934
Social Media: Sandalwood Homes
Service King (Booth #22)
Dan Fessia
1038 W Industrial Road
Cedar City, UT 84721
Phone: 435-531-1337
Email: servicekingutah@gmail.com
Website: Service King
Southwest Behavioral Health Center (Booth #72)
Emily Wiegman
Phone: 435-258-8398
Email: emilylinaewiegman@gmail.com
Website: www.sbhc.us
Southwest Tech (Booth #33)
Cordelle Morris
757 West 800 South, Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-865-3910
Email: cmorris@stech.edu
Southwest Plumbing (Booth #5)
Karrie Matheson
690 North Main, Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-586-6464
Email: karriet@swplumb.com
Website: SW Plumbing
Smart Termite and Pest Control (Booth #65)
Bryce Bennett
755 So. Main Street, #4
Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-559-0923
Email: office@smartpc.com
Website: Smart Termite & Pest Control
SC Broadband / South Central Communications (Booth #26)
Amanda Giles
856 Sage Dr., Cedar City UT 84720
Phone: 435-263-0762
Email: amandag@scbroadband.com
Website: SC Broadband
Sport Court of Southern Utah (Booth #15)
Clint and Natalie Waters
Phone: 435-586-1282
Email: sportcourt12@gmail.com
Website: Sport Court of Southern Utah
State Bank of Southern Utah (Booth #40)
Mortgage & Construction Loans
1322 South Interstate Drive, Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-586-4114
Email: sdennett@sbsu.com
Website: www.sbsu.com/mortgage/
Stout Roofing (Booth #25)
Clint Sullivan
2393 W 580 N Cedar City, UT 84721
Phone: 435-867-4492
Email: clints@stoutroofing.net
Website: Stout Roofing
Summit Building Construction, LLC (Booth #64)
Benjamin Barlow
856 S Sage Dr. # 301-C
Cedar City, UT 84721
Email: Ben.B@SummitB.us
Website: Summit Building Construction
TDS Telecom (Booth #31)
Wendi Buckley
912 W 1600 S #B103 St. George, UT 84770
Phone: 435-275-2602
Email: wendi.buckley@tdstelecom.com
Website: TDS Telecom
TNT Industries (Booth #78)
Gabe Tilley
491 S Main St., Ste 11, Cedar City, UT 84720
Phone: 435-233-6934
Email: tntindustriesllc@yahoo.com
Website: tnthomeexteriors.com
Social Media: TNT Industries
Tradeworks (Booth#24)
Tammy Gardner
650 N Red Stone Road, Unit 15
Washington, Ut 84780
Phone: 801-660-8890
Email: tgardnersinbox@gmail.com
Travis Larsen Construction (Booth #19)
Travis Larsen
444 S Main Street Ste., B3
Cedar City UT, 84720
Phone: 435-531-1096
Email: travislarsenconstruction@yahoo.com
Website: Travis Larsen Construction
TrimLight of Southern Utah (Booth #66)
Bonnie Jorgensen
517 West Mountain Dr.
Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: 435-592-5699
Email: trimlightsu@gmail.com
Tytan Security (Booth #30)
Scott Lee
88 S Sage Dr. Ste 1A, Cedar City UT 84720
Phone: 435-263-0506
Email: data@tytansecurity.com
Website: https://titansecurity.com/
USU Extension (Booth #14)
Candace Schaible
585 N Main Street, Cedar City, Utah 84721
Phone: 435-586-8132
Email: candace.schaible@usu.edu
Velocity Homes (Booth #’s 2 & 3 )
Nash Baltzer
695 W 200 N, Cedar City, Utah 84721
Phone: 435-592-6563
Email: nash@velocitybuilders.com
Website:Velocity Builders
Social Media: Velocity Homes
Veterans Contracting, Inc. (Booth #64)
Brian Cotham
6757 N 2300 W, Cedar City UT, 84721
Phone: 435-429-0921
Email: brianc@vetsenergy.com
Website: www.vetsenergy.com
Wahweap Insurance (Booth #50)
Tyler Jensen
444 S Main St. #A3 Cedar City UT, 84720
Phone: 435-586-5904
Email: tyler@wahweapinsurance.com
Website: www.wahweapinsurance.com
Social Media: Wahweap Insurance
Weatherguard (Booth #37)
Ray Ferguson
P.O. Box 321, LaVerkin, Utah 84745
Phone: 435-619-2583
Email: weatherguardutah@gmail.com
X Rock LLC (Booth OUTSIDE & #34)
Shane Bulloch
17 N Westview, Cedar City UT 84720
Phone: 435-592-9024
Email: xrockllc@gmail.com
Website: www.xrockutah.com